Release the Darkness

Listen to a successful corporate coach’s healing experience through an Intuition Painting® retreat, which addressed her decades of struggle with Complex PTSD.

Here is a summary of her experience:

“The gifts through Intuition Painting are insurmountable. They exceeded all of my hopes and expectations - truly I had a major release as a result of the process and your guidance. I cannot express the gratitude I feel for you, for the process, and for me. 

“What the difference is for me now is that I feel like this heavy baggage — this heavy weight that I have been carrying for as long as I can remember— in fact so long I didn’t even know it was there — is gone. Just gone. 

“I feel like I am finally feeling and reacting like normal people do. No more trips into darkness and rabbit holes. 

“And another amazing part is how the painting process — just the physical, visceral experience of smearing paint and color on the page — was such a wonderful feeling. If nothing else had come come out of the week — just this color put out as an extension of my hand felt amazing.

“Then letting all that darkness into my painting and following the ridiculous prompt “let the painting guide you”, was actually the answer.

“From this I have learned when it is my heart and when it iss my head, and now I can tell the difference.” - Anonymous, First Time Participant, Intuition Painting® 4-Day Retreat, 2022

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